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📸 Which Flemish girl is going house hunting this week?

📸 Which Flemish girl is going house hunting this week?

The witch Laila Aliet.

Anyone who thinks little kids exist only for their pretty eyes should have a conversation with the very handsome but also sympathetic and sensible Laila Aliyev.

This West Flemish woman has a real estate agent diploma and is a real estate agent in the Antwerp area. Well, in this position, she will star on Play4 all week starting Monday during the new season of “Huizenjagers”, where she and two other real estate agents will compete for the favor of famous Flemish people looking for their dream home in South Africa.

“Every client is unique, and I believe that a home is not only an investment, but also a place where you should feel safe and at home,” said P-babe. “It is a great honor to be involved with Huizenjagers and to share my passion for real estate with the whole of Flanders.”

And Layla, it’s been an honor to be with you and P so many times. Here are some new photos and a look back at some of our legendary shots. And for those who prefer moving pictures, the broadcast starts today, Monday, August 26th through Thursday, August 29th, 2024 at 7:45pm on Play4. We’re ready…

the pictures:

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