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3M will come to the PFOS investigation committee for the second time

3M will come to the PFOS investigation committee for the second time

The US chemical group 3M, which is responsible for the historical PFOS contamination in Zuigendrecht and the surrounding area, has to appear at the PFOS Inquiry Committee of the Flemish Parliament for the second time.

Last Friday, the top three million had already descended into the Flemish hemisphere, but many MPs reacted with disappointment afterwards. Immediately after the round of questions from Flemish parliamentarians, in which all parties raised concrete and technical issues, it became clear that 3M’s answers would essentially lead to frustration. Broadly speaking, these fall into three categories: ‘I don’t know/cannot confirm’, ‘we will look for that data/share with you’ and ‘we fully cooperate with an ongoing investigation’. With the latter, 3M leaders refer to the research led by the Flemish Environmental InspectorateAnd last week the measure came to stop all operations with FBSA. Those references to the inspection in particular made parliamentarians happy.

“3M’s leadership performance was not satisfactory at all. Committee members asked many relevant questions. Most of them remained unanswered,” explains committee chair Hans Aff (Forwitt).

That is why the committee has now decided to bring 3M to the committee for the second time. “We will provide them with the list of unanswered questions so that they can come up with answers in a new hearing,” Anaf said.

It is not yet clear when 3M is expected to return. Anaf: ‘They have some time to thoroughly prepare the questions. But we expect clear answers in the short term.

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