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7 United States to build large wind farms

7 United States to build large wind farms

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The government plans to build seven large wind farms to provide wind power to more than ten million American households by 2030. Those parks should be located on the coasts of New York and California and the Gulf of Mexico. Washington releases 12 billion euros for investment. By 2030, wind turbines should be well within 30 gigawatts. All of this is in line with the climate ambitions of the administration of President Joe Biden.

mtmSource: Belgian

Home Secretary Deb said the government is currently “working on an ambitious road map to advance plans aimed at combating climate change, creating higher-paying jobs and accelerating change for a cleaner energy future.” Holland said.

According to the White House, parks will reduce CO2 emissions by 78 million tons, while creating tens of thousands of new jobs.

By 2025 up to seven offers will be on sale in the Gulf of Maine, the Mid-Atlantic coast, the Gulf of Mexico and the coasts of New York, Carolinas, California and Oregon.

Currently, there is only one sea wind farm in the United States, the Black Island Wind Farm. The park was completed in 2016 and supplies 30 MW.

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