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Blue Origin’s flight with the daughter of the first American in space postponed  Abroad

Blue Origin’s flight with the daughter of the first American in space postponed Abroad

Blue Origin has announced the postponement of the tourist space flight, which was initially scheduled for Thursday. Weather conditions in East Texas resulted in a delay on Saturday at 3:45 p.m. Belgian time.

Sixty years after her father’s historic flight, Laura Shepherd Churchley, the daughter of the first American in space, is almost following in his footsteps with Blue Origin. She is one of six passengers on the company’s next and third tourist space flight.

The Blue Origin launch vehicle was christened New Shepard in honor of Alan Shepard (1923-1998) who became the first American to reach space on May 5, 1961. Its flight lasted 15 minutes and came 23 days after the flight of the Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space. He was also one of 12 people to walk on the moon, hitting a golf ball in the process.

Other space tourists

Another invitee for the next about ten-minute flight from Texas is Michael Strahan, who hosts the morning television show Good Morning America. The four paid space travelers are businessmen Dylan Taylor and Evan Dick, and a father and son: Lynne and Cameron Pace. How much they paid, Blue Origin did not reveal.

Blue Origin president Jeff Bezos attended his company’s first flight. The second included William Shatner, the actor who played Captain Kirk on the Star Trek series.