In summary. Oil and gas companies, including Chevron, BP, and Devon Energy, Invest heavily In geothermal energy. They use techniques that were previously used to extract shale gas. This strategic shift heralds significant growth in the geothermal energy sector, which provides clean, continuous energy.
Why is this important?
Investments in geothermal energy by fossil fuel companies represent an important shift toward more sustainable energy sources. This would have a significant impact on reducing carbon emissions and diversifying the energy mix, which is essential to combat climate change and ensure energy security.In the news. Chevron, BP and Devon Energy are part of a trend to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in startups and geothermal projects. This movement uses fracking technology not to search for oil and gas, but to search for heat underground.
- Technological advances are in drilling techniques, modeling and sensor technology Contribution of geothermal energy To dramatically increase America's energy supply. There is talk of V
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