final for Big brother It is getting closer and therefore places in the house have become more expensive. You can take that last one literally, because the remaining eight residents just received a very impressive offer. They can purchase a direct ticket to the semi-finals for a large amount from their pool.
After Sonia's voluntary departure and the elimination of Lenny, Ariana, Noushka, Basiri, Doriana, Sabo, Ranohi, Delano, and Danny, he remained there. Big brotherhouse, and eight residents remained. As the final is already scheduled to take place on Saturday 13 April, residents will have to leave regularly for the foreseeable future.
semi final
Participants at home realize this too. So it was very tempting when they received an interesting offer from Big Brother. In the Diary Room, the remaining residents were given the opportunity one by one to purchase a direct ticket to the semi-finals. In this case, there is no need to fear the upcoming elimination next Saturday.
This suggestion was particularly interesting to Glenn, Ashley and Tyrone. They are currently nominated, although they may lose that nomination.
The sums that the candidates had to pay from their pool for their ticket to the semi-finals started at €20,000 for Glenn, but quickly decreased after that. To find out if someone has already bought a ticket, we'll have to look at the daily episodes.
Big brother It can be watched every evening from Monday to Friday at 10:15pm on Play4 and GoPlay. You can follow the live stream 24/7 on GoPlay. Every Saturday at 8 pm Big Brother: Alive.
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