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“The rocking abbot” Notker Wolf has died (83).

“The rocking abbot” Notker Wolf has died (83).

German Benedictine Notker Wolff moved to Rome from Sankt Otilian Abbey (Bavaria) in 2000, when he was elected abbot of the Benedictine Order. In 2012, he was elected for a second term, until he was succeeded by Gregory Bolan in 2016.

Wolfe subsequently traveled the world and was a much sought-after speaker. In his book What are we waiting for? Monk sues Avonland (2008), harshly criticized our Western society: “Much of what we now call freedom is in fact dependence.” I believe this applies even to what is now called “spirituality.” Many people believe that they walk their spiritual path with complete freedom. They often want to be free from religious institutions and are very critical of church representatives. But at the same time they meekly listen to every teacher or roshi. This always surprises me.

A special hobby

Wolf also came into the spotlight due to a special hobby: he was a guitarist in a rock band. He talked about it with our journalist Leif Waters, who interviewed him in 2015 at Dendermonde Abbey. 'Six years after my ordination, the older brother said: I used to hear music every time I passed your room. Now it's as quiet here as in the cemetery. I no longer have time for that,” she explained. Like many Benedictine monasteries, we had a large school where I spent most of my time. The brother encouraged me to play music again. It's good for our community, he said.

Music is the way I express myself, including prayer. Angels also sing, only demons don't.

There are brothers who only appreciate Mozart and Bach, but that is their problem. It doesn't matter what type of music you play, as long as it's good. And music is good when it builds community. Since then I've been playing again, also in a rock band.

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In addition to the guitar, the abbot also played the flute. (Reread the interview on Kerknet)

Major illness

“We need to heal from one big ailment: we take ourselves too seriously. We have to stop wanting to be there for the people. Let's start being there with them. How many monasteries would still exist without outside financial help?”

Therefore we must also be grateful to society and not close ourselves off to it.

Of course, the monastery has its own life inside. But we are no more than pilgrims, just like those who sometimes ask us to recharge and whom we support wherever we can,” says Wolf.

Notker Wolf was born in 1940 in Groenenbach (Allgäu, Germany). He took his monastic vows in 1962 and subsequently studied at Sant'Anselmo in Rome and at the University of Munich. In 1968, he was ordained a priest. He taught philosophy of religion at the Benedictine University in Rome. From 1977 until his election as abbot, Notker Wolf was abbot of the Benedictine monastery of Sankt Utilian in Bavaria.

Notker Wolf's funeral will take place on Saturday, April 6, in Sankt Ottelen.