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Alaphilippe takes revenge in the Giro after 346 days of drought: “But it was worth the wait”

Alaphilippe takes revenge in the Giro after 346 days of drought: “But it was worth the wait”

After a disappointing spring and nearly a year of drought, Julian Alaphilippe was finally able to triumph again in the Giro on Thursday. After a great song on stage, the Frenchman got his mark. “For me personally, this is a very important victory. Winning the Giro was a dream.”

He’s won in countless ways, but a 125km trip with just the two of you, complete with a short solo ride? This was also new to Julian Alaphilippe.

“This was definitely not the plan,” the Frenchman laughed after his impressive victory. “I was expecting us to leave with a big group.”

“My teammates controlled the first 60 kilometers perfectly, allowing me to stay calm and then focus on the ride. At first we were in a big group, but the cooperation there was not great. Then I said to Mirco Maestri: ‘Go!’ “.”

“Mirko was really strong and deserved to win today. We worked together very well.”

On the final descent of the day, Monte Giove, Alaphilippe Maestri spun the wheel. “Since then I believed in victory, but I kept going until the last kilometer, because I heard in my ears that Narvaez was coming.”

“Winning a stage in the Giro has always been a dream. I’m very happy that it’s happening now.”

When I went out alone, I believed in winning. But I kept going until the end, because I heard Narvaez was coming.

Julian Alaphilippe

After a disappointing spring, where he didn’t perform well due to a broken leg, Alaphilippe is now making his mark.

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“This victory is very gratifying. I have overcome this stage as well. For me personally, this is an important victory. This victory is also for my wife and son, who have given me a lot of support recently.”

Alaphilippe celebrated warmly with his teammates immediately after the end. Peter Seery was also moved by his leader’s victory.

“We have been riding together in this team for ten years. Peter also knows the difficult moments I endured,” said the Frenchman. “I’m so happy I can give this back to these guys.”

Alaphilippe had to wait 346 days for this victory. “But I don’t care. It was worth the wait.”
