Cheraw Chronicle

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Belgian company wants to use Vision Pro as a “guide dog” – Gaming – News

However, I immediately pose the question: How many blind people would want to buy expensive and heavy glasses if you could develop a better product that could be made cheaper for them, would be more comfortable and have more options because the devices for your specific purpose are set?

They only address the software component here. In your opinion, what would it cost to develop something like Vision Pro? How long do you think something like this would take? What do you think the cost of these devices with a relatively small production run? People are sitting now With a problem, there are too many blind people, and too few guide dogs. The Vision Pro starts at €3,500, which is much cheaper than training/maintaining a dog.

In addition, not every blind person has to buy such a thing new, it does not require lenses, just clean it and put a new insert in it and the next person can use it.

First, they would see if it actually added value to a blind person, and then whether it was actually as reliable as people thought it was. It’s inconvenient, but only for a while until something better is found or the blind dog problem is solved. However, it can still provide a solution for people who are afraid of dogs, allergic to dogs, etc.

Why not stick? The stick helps a pole, not a window cleaning worker who passes by with a ladder on his shoulder.