Cheraw Chronicle

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In the Flemish house, July 11 is still synonymous with fighting: “Never have accidents.”

In the Flemish house, July 11 is still synonymous with fighting: “Never have accidents.”

After the speeches of Iestyn ap Rhobert, among others, there will be a performance by the Vilvoorde band “op’t Goevield oeit” in Drukpersstraat. “Let’s call it the Flemish atmosphere group,” says Bernard Daelmans. You will also find a bouncy castle and a pancake stand in Drukpersstraat, but also a tent with Flemish paintings. Good things Like coffee mugs and t-shirts.

The atmosphere is enhanced by twenty free barrels. “Maybe it’s not so bad because we found fewer sponsors this year, so I’ve said less,” laughs Michael Descartes, who has to return to his village of Heusden-Zolder tonight.

It is difficult to find women among all these Flemish nationalists and it is also difficult to find any other diversity. “Women are not that interested in politics,” says Michael Descartes as an explanation. “It is an old pain in the Flemish movement,” sighs Bernard Daelemans.

‘meeting place’

“I meet people here who I don’t meet at official political meetings in Brussels, where they are not always invited,” says Brussels deputy governor Joseph Oosten, who was previously associated with the CD&V party. “It’s nice, because you also see Flemish people who don’t usually come to Brussels very often. They may be fighters, but for me, that doesn’t negate the party on the Grote Markt.”

“It’s above all a nice party,” says outgoing Flemish Minister Ben Weyts (N-VA), who comes here every year. “It’s Non-partisan politics The meeting, but the radical part of the Flemish movement likes to come here. I don’t come from a Flemish background, but I have become one.”

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Waits expects the highlight of the evening to be around 8:00. “Short and sweet. No incidents here at all, but the party can get heavy.”