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Rude farmer criticised during wine tasting at Flemish B&B: ‘It smells like horse shit’ | RTL Street

Rude farmer criticised during wine tasting at Flemish B&B: ‘It smells like horse shit’ | RTL Street

Pour clear wine

By RTL Street··an average:


from right to left

In the Flemish “B&Bzoekt Lief”, bed and breakfast owner Guilmont takes his ladies Ingrid and Vicky for a wine tasting. Once there, the atmosphere quickly changes when Guilmont thinks the wine smells like “horse poop”.

“Sorry ladies, I don’t care.”

When Guillemont and the two ladies hold a glass of red wine in their hands and smell it, it is quite clear to Guillemont: it smells very bad. “I can smell a little horse shit.” The ladies look at him in surprise and the winegrower also laughs uncomfortably. “Oh, my God”“Ingrid says,”

Not to change the mood completely, Ingrid tries to correct Gilmont’s statements somewhat. “It’s a joke,” she says. But Gilmont thinks otherwise. He’s very serious. “No, it’s not a joke. silly serious.”

Vicky is shocked by his comment, while Gilmont tries to explain his statements a little more. “It’s black and still warm, and it’s mashed with a fork.” As a winegrower, the fact that your wine smells like horse shit isn’t usually considered a compliment, but Gilmont thinks so. “I want to congratulate you, because there is horse shit in the wine.”

The ladies and winegrowers no longer understand Gilmont’s story and just laugh at it. “I think it’s better to drink water,” says Vicky. Ingrid merely apologizes for the rude bed and breakfast owner. “Sorry about my friend,” she says.

Even after tasting the wine, Gilmont doesn’t seem to care much about what the ladies think of him. “Sorry, ladies. I don’t give a shit

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The reactions of viewers to this unfortunate comment are not pleasant either. For example, people on social media write: “VTM should have fired him” and “As the ladies say, he is only involved in advertising his B&B”. But he ruins everything himself. What a narcissist.

You can watch the clip below.

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