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After a storm of criticism, Merkel removes the ‘Easter lock’ and speaks of a mistake |  Now

After a storm of criticism, Merkel removes the ‘Easter lock’ and speaks of a mistake | Now

Extra corona activities around Easter, which is far from German. Chancellor Merkel returns from a tough ‘Easter lock’ after a flood of criticism.

It will be the toughest lock Germany has ever seen in the Corona crisis, with two extra days off, no church services and most shops closed. Also, no additional visitors are allowed. This was followed by harsh criticism from the church and political parties in the country.

Although Merkel reached her decision on Monday night after eleven hours of consultation, the German news agency reported that she had already announced on Wednesday that it was a “mistake”. DPA In Editorial Network Germany.

“The idea of ​​locking the Easter was set up with the best intentions,” Merkel said Wednesday. “But it has been implemented urgently and it is not going to work in this short period of time. I am solely responsible for that,” the Chancellor insists.

Merkel held unannounced consultations with state prime ministers on Wednesday and decided to take drastic action with him earlier. The German head of state has repeatedly stated that the country is in a “severe situation” because of the British corona virus variant.

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