Earlier on Friday, police confirmed that the body found on Wednesday was Everest. He went missing on March 3 while on foot in his hometown of London. Earlier this week, 48-year-old Cousins was arrested. His wife was also arrested on suspicion of complicity. He was released on bail.
Police had already contacted Wednesday that the officer had been arrested on suspicion of murder. As an agent, Cousins is responsible for the security of Downing Street, where the Prime Minister resides, as well as the British Parliament and embassies. Police said the man was not working when the woman went missing. British newspaper The sun He writes that the man completed a six-hour shift at the U.S. embassy 90 minutes before Everest was last seen three miles away.
The officer was taken to hospital Thursday with a head injury sustained while in prison. After receiving treatment, he was returned to the police station.
Three days before Evert’s disappearance, London police charged Cousins for the exhibition. He allegedly showed his genitals to a woman in front of a fast food restaurant. Despite the complaint, the person continued to work. Police are now investigating the complaint and checking whether his colleagues behaved properly. The incident was reportedly filmed by surveillance cameras and reported by food providers.
Police are also investigating camera footage taken by a bus on the Everest track the night the woman went missing. A car attached to the suspect was also found by Dashcam. Police say Evert and Cousins may not have known each other before the woman was killed.
Get up in the park
Many women share stories on social media in which they go out alone at night and tell what they do to feel safe.
Shortly before the disappearance on Saturday, thousands of women were declared awake in the park where Everest was walking. During this meeting they want to keep a minute of silence for Everest and the other women who were violently killed. According to the organization, the meeting was initially allowed by the police, but later they said the vigilance violated corona rules and could lead to severe fines.
Lunch update
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