Cheraw Chronicle

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Alaphilippe and his young teammates are racing to second place in Slovakia

Alaphilippe and his young teammates are racing to second place in Slovakia

Julian Alaphilippe will not start the Tour on Saturday, and will instead ride the Tour of Slovakia. He started second in the team time trial. The Australians from Jayco-AlUla won the opener on the clock.

Participants in Slovakia covered 28.8 kilometers at pool level in and around Donajska Strida. Teams of 7 riders had to finish the race with at least four of them.

Julian Alaphilippe (32) crossed the line with Wolves youngsters Gilders (21), Warri Vangeloi (22) and Pippin Rendrink (22). They had to concede 25 seconds to today’s winner Jayco-AIuIa.

Lotto-Dstny reached the fourth fastest time of the day, 50 seconds behind the Australians. Jenno Berckmoes, Logan Currie, Arjen Livyns and Sylvain Moniquet crossed the finish line together.

Team Time Trial Result Round of Slovakia (2.1)
1. Gaiko-Iwia (Australia) 28.8 km in 31’43”
2. Soudal is a quick step in 25″
3. Q36.5 Cycling Team (SWE) 36″
4. Lotto-destiny 50″
5. Cofidis (France) 1’23”

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