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An armed student was shot by police and an officer was wounded …

An armed student was shot by police and an officer was wounded …

At a school in Knoxville, Tennessee, an armed student is shot dead by police after a policeman is shot. The policeman is not in danger.

At around 3:15 PM local time on Monday, Knoxville Police were called to Austin East Magent High School because a young man may have been armed with a rifle.

The Tennessee State Bureau of Investigation, which is leading the investigation, said in a press briefing that police officers had found the suspect in the school’s toilets. They ordered him out, but he refused. When the officers entered the toilets, the young man was said to have fired shots and hit a policeman. A police officer responded.

The death of the young man was announced immediately. He was later identified as an intern, TBI explains. The injured officer was taken to hospital, but he was not seriously injured. He is said to have been shot in the thigh and underwent surgery.

David Rauch, president of the Iraqi Trade Bank, warned at the press conference: “We have to be careful in our language. That was nothing School shooting. This was one Officer involved in the shooting (Shooting involving worker, editor) Inside the school. ”The Tennessee State Bureau of Investigation says it has no judgment on its own as to whether police actions are warranted; the attorney general will have to rule this.

Already a fifth student this year

Local media reported that the teen was already the fifth student at Austin-East Magente High School who died in a separate shooting this year. The school has 642 students. Just last week, the city announced a million-dollar action plan, including a national program to prevent violence among black youth.

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Classes are suspended at Austin-East Magnet High School on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. “What happened here today is a terrible tragedy, and I regret that this terrible accident happened in one of our schools,” said school group director Bob Thomas at the press conference. He announced that grief healers would be available for students.

An armed student was shot by a police officer, and a Tennessee school officer was wounded
Photo: AP
An armed student was shot by a police officer, and a Tennessee school officer was wounded
Photo: AP
An armed student was shot by a police officer, and a Tennessee school officer was wounded
Photo: AP
An armed student was shot by a police officer, and a Tennessee school officer was wounded
Photo: AP
An armed student was shot by a police officer, and a Tennessee school officer was wounded
Photo: AP
An armed student was shot by a police officer, and a Tennessee school officer was wounded
Photo: AP
An armed student was shot by a police officer, and a Tennessee school officer was wounded
Photo: via Reuters