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Anarchy in Northern Ireland, 55 Officers Injured: What Happens There?  |  Abroad

Anarchy in Northern Ireland, 55 Officers Injured: What Happens There? | Abroad

The Northern Ireland government convened an emergency meeting on Thursday and condemned the violence as “absolutely unacceptable and unjustifiable.” Parliament joins together.

Riots have broken out over the past six nights and 55 officers have been injured. A photojournalist was injured and set on fire on Wednesday in violence in Belfast. Irish Republicans and pro-British trade unionists bombed each other and police with Molotov cocktails.

Republicans want to establish an independent republic covering the entire island of Ireland. This group consists mainly of Catholics. At the other end of the spectrum are trade unions who want to respect the United Kingdom or the unions between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Since gaining independence from the Irish Union in 1921, Theme has divided the northern part of the island.

‘Must stop’

The Northern Ireland government, which includes both unionists and Republicans, issued a joint statement after the emergency session condemning the violence. “We are very concerned about the events we have seen on our streets over the past week,” the ministers write. “Attacks on police officers, public services and communities are regrettable and must be stopped.”

The police car has been set on fire.

The police car has been set on fire.

Relevant reactions were heard not only from Belfast, but also from Dublin and London to renewed tensions between the pro-British community and the Irish Republicans.

Other regions, such as Terry, Newtownpe, Carrickfergus and Polymena, have also seen violence in recent days.


Tensions have been rising in Northern Ireland for some time now as the country seizes control of the border between Northern Ireland and other parts of the United Kingdom after Brexit. It is currently granted special status to avoid creating the EU’s outer border with the border registers and restrictions between the Republic of Ireland and the British North. This requires restrictions on trade between the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The unionists feel betrayed.

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The game boiled over when it was learned that Sinn Fின்in members would not bear any consequences as they attended the funeral of a former IRA member in June. Corona did not follow the rules at the funeral, which was attended by 2,000 people. Deputy Prime Minister Michael O’Neill attended. She apologized for being there. The IRA is a paramilitary group fighting for a united Ireland.

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