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Anger over a video of blind dating in Morocco

Anger over a video of blind dating in Morocco

April 14, 2024 – 9:30 pm – Morocco


A controversial video on YouTube has caused an uproar in Morocco. The video, titled “The First Moroccan Version of Blind Dating with Clothes,” shows a young Moroccan woman imitating a foreign YouTube format.

The video shows the woman, wearing a very short skirt, talking to four young men behind a white curtain. At first only their shoes are visible, but when the curtain rises, their other clothes are visible as well. The woman asks questions to choose one of them for a date, rejecting the men one by one, until finally a dog chooses the “knight of her dreams.”

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The video received many negative comments on social media. Activists condemned the video because it promotes ideas that offend public morals, culture, and Moroccan values. The photos were analyzed by the National Security Services and then referred to the Judicial Police.

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The judicial police launched an investigation to accurately assess the nature and content of the video. It is examined whether there are any violations under Moroccan law and what legal measures may need to be taken against the video makers and participants.

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