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At home or in the office: Comfortable work remains important

At home or in the office: Comfortable work remains important

Written with input from Twenty Four Webvertising

Working from home has become so normal during the lockdown. So now that normalcy has slowly returned, work from home is expected to continue. Offices won’t be drones anymore, but they won’t be teeming with people every day, according to CE Delft. There is a change in the way work is done, the location in which work is done and how the office is set up. For example, there is greater demand for comfortable workplaces, meeting places and open workplaces. What exactly do you mean by “the new way of working”?

Pros and cons of working from home

Almost everyone has done their work at home during the lockdown period. Working from home has many pros and cons. Several studies show that not having to travel to work is a big plus. also comes from Search by Capterra, an IT service provider in Eindhoven, noted that people liked the fact that there were so few interruptions at work. They were not bothered by people talking on the desk. More focus, concentration and the ability to work undisturbed are often mentioned advantages. In addition, many companies were able to adapt almost quickly, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

The flip side of working from home was that one had to compromise the work-life balance. The lack of communication with colleagues or other clients was also a major drawback. The need for convenient solutions has also grown. While working from home at the kitchen table has been fun for a while, it puts a lot of stress on the neck and back for a longer period of time. Comfortable demand office furniture So it rose.

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Work comfortably

Comfortable work is important, whether at home or in the office, it is important that the workplace is carefully prepared. This means that the employee can work comfortably and put less stress on his body. This can present all kinds of challenges, especially at home. Working behind a small screen, at the kitchen table, or on a regular chair causes severe stress to the neck, back, or lower body. Physical complaints such as neck pain or back pain can make work less effective. An extra screen can easily be had from the desk, but a good workplace is about more than just working with the right computers.

At home, it is important for the employee to have a workplace that is or can be adapted to the employee’s needs, so that the risk of physical complaints is reduced. Think of an office chair that provides adequate back support or a desk that can be height-adjusted. A quiet and tidy space can bring more efficiency to work. A good comfortable workplace with the right equipment and furniture ensures that there is less chance of physical complaints and that employees can do their work more productively and efficiently.

Office space furnishing

A comfortable workplace also takes into account that workplaces are inspiring and encourage productivity. Now that employees return to the office more often, it is important to ensure that the office becomes an attractive location to work again. The office of the future has a different spearhead than the previously furnished office space. The growing demand for flexible workplaces. It has become necessary to have a cross-team meeting or a place to work without disturbance or a space where you can chat quietly. In addition, spaces must also be able to quickly adapt to the demand at that moment.

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The meter and a half of the community has also ensured that there is a greater need for space. Large, open workplaces not only give employees freedom and space, but they can also benefit from collaboration. However, adequate consideration should be given to everyone’s privacy, so that productivity does not decrease. Separate spaces can be created using room dividers, storage cabinets or planters.

Fun and Relax

Whether at home or in the office, it is important to provide a safe and enjoyable work environment where there is room to relax and have fun. In general, a comfortable workplace with appropriate office furniture ensures greater work pleasure, which also contributes to productivity.