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[AUDIO] Municipal councilors work together on a spatial policy vision in the Council Advisory Group – Radio Reflex

[AUDIO] Municipal councilors work together on a spatial policy vision in the Council Advisory Group – Radio Reflex

The municipal council of Sint-Katelijne-Waver wants to work on a long-term vision about the use of space in the municipality. In order to achieve a broadly supported vision, the Council is calling on city councilors to consider this across party lines and legislatures in the Council's Advisory Group.

Audio response from Alderman Bart de Boeckv is at the bottom of the article

“The Council Advisory Group is a new concept of engagement where municipal councilors engage in open and constructive dialogue across party lines,” says Mayor Christoph Selz, responsible for consultation and engagement. “A few weeks ago, Council's first advisory group looked at potential locations for weddings outside of City Hall. Now we want to use this concept to develop the space of political vision.

In 2024, the municipal council of Sint-Katelijne-Waver will develop a vision for spatial policy. “We want to develop our rural and green municipality with spatial structures that will survive legislative bodies,” says local councilor Bart de Boeck. “We want to work on a considered spatial policy with a long-term vision, hence the subtitle ‘Structures over Legislatures’. We would like to invite all members of the Council to participate in this, from different parties and legislatures. In this way we hope to create as much support as possible.”

The Council's Advisory Group 'Vision for Spatial Policy' will consist of three working groups: Open Space, Blue Green Network and Vital Centres. “We hope that each faction in the municipal council will delegate one person to each working group,” Alderman De Boeck said. “Municipal services will support the working groups and we will also invite experts to share their knowledge.”

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Alderman De Bock would like to launch the Council's Advisory Group 'Policy Visibility Space' in March.

Bart de Boeck's voice response ships