At a school in Knoxville, Tennessee, an armed student is shot dead by police after a policeman is shot. The...
Gaylord Greenwood
"Lifelong food practitioner. Zombie geek. Explorer. Reader. Subtly charming gamer. Entrepreneur. Devoted analyst."
The World Health Organization stated that 4.4 million new cases of COVID-19 were recorded worldwide last week. This also makes...
The weather in Minneapolis is already extremely hot due to the trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who restrained...
April 11, 2021 today in 19:17 The Dutch government meets today to start a relaxing series. The stands could reopen...
The Natanz complex was closed the day after Iran announced that it would further accelerate uranium enrichment with advanced systems....
European women's organizations have sent a letter to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, requesting his resignation after...