The series tells the story of a new community, Arcadia, that emerges after a major disaster. Due to the scarcity...
Paisley Dixon
© AFPFor years it was the Black Sheep who blamed him for the end of The Beatles. But Paul McCartney...
FamousThere is nothing more fun than watching the lives of our famous fellow humans. Are you curious about what he...
Amazing moment during the American talk show "The Tonight Show". Madonna was a guest there on Thursday, and everyone knows...
FamousAdele, 33, knows that over a year ago there was an uproar over a photo of her wearing African buns....
showbizMaxime Milland (25 years old) is not only busy with her newborn daughter, but also launched her own online store....
literatureGood news for Twilight fans. Stephanie Meyer, 47, the writer behind the two popular Twilight books, confirms that she is...
© APMadonna was a guest of American talk show host Jimmy Fallon in her new documentary Madame X to promote,...
VTM NEWS SPECIALBart de Pauw's trial began on Wednesday, October 13. At least nine women have filed civil lawsuits against...
Bart de Pauw's trial began on Wednesday, October 13. At least nine women have filed civil lawsuits against the TV...