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Blue Origin resumes tourist spaceflights after crash in 2022 – IT Pro – News

Raising money for humanity’s new frontier should not be banned, but I still think SpaceX’s strategy is better, because with Starlink it gives more to more people. But in terms of climate, this doesn’t make much difference. After all, a full 777-200 from Chicago to Hong Kong pumps out 351 metric tons, and that kind of flight happens several times a day. They carry more people for more miles, but the total carbon dioxide emissions from aviation dwarf those of these rockets.…-of-space-tourism-5192322

Space travel has brought us GPS, satellite internet, phone cameras, better insulation, water filtration systems, and many medical applications. New frontiers help us get creative and come up with new solutions to problems! Space travel has also saved us from the problems of hole in the ozone layer. If we didn’t know that, we would have a big problem right now. So it’s very important that we take space travel seriously, and it’s better to cut back on other things like private flights.

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