Cheraw Chronicle

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BV 24/7.  Regular Rob enjoys Tenerife with his pregnant girlfriend and Quinn De Beau delves into the old trunk |  Ltd

BV 24/7. Regular Rob enjoys Tenerife with his pregnant girlfriend and Quinn De Beau delves into the old trunk | Ltd

For exampleshow must go onBecause the world of showbiz never stops. You can find out what your favorite BVs have done in the last 24 hours here in our news stream.

Coin de Beau A look back at 20 years of the “Alzheimer’s Case” with some snapshots from the good old days.

Staff Coppins He resides in Belgium again with his family.

Instagram @staf_coppens: Visiting Belgium
Instagram @staf_coppens: Visiting Belgium © Instagram @stafcoppens

Lindy Merkpoel He suffers from “bloating”. “It’s Hernia’s evil little brother. Kiss from my seat!”, it seemed.

Enjoyed the atmosphere Anne van Elsen From the cute mother and daughter moment. Her daughter, Jackie Lu, was allowed into the studio today.

Zeta Waters He is with the father Quinn And his brother No no On a city trip in London.

Instagram @zitawauters
Instagram @zitawauters © Instagram @zitawauters

Influencer Sarah Putemans I can’t get enough of Dubai.

Average Robor Robert Van Impe, enjoying the sun with his pregnant girlfriend Leanne in Tenerife.

Instagram @averagerob
Instagram @averagerob © Instagram@averagerob

Julie Vermeer Jump on the trend again with dancing.

And radio DJ Tom Decock He was allowed to babysit the BVs all week on the QMusic morning show.