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China shares video of Tianwen-1 probe on Mars – IT Pro – News

China has released a video of its Mars probe to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The video shows the probe orbiting Mars. Chinese media reported that the Tianwen-1 probe is in good condition.

On the Movie In particular, the Tianwen-1 probe itself can be seen from the China National Space Administration. The sun is reflected brightly on the probe housing. In the background, the surface of Mars is poorly distinguished. The probe was launched into orbit around Mars in February 2021. So the probe is on its way to its first anniversary.

Tianwen 1 is part of the Chinese Mars mission. The name stands for “Heavenly Questions”. The country also launched the Zhurong Mars rover last year successfully to land on Mars. The primary mission of this Mars rover was completed in August. Since the Mars rover is in good condition, China wants the Mars rover to do more research.

In addition to China, NASA also conducts research on Mars with the Mars rover. Recently published The agency still has audio recordings recorded by Perseverance. In addition to the United States and China, Europe is also preparing for a mission to Mars. The European Space Agency plans to start its program ExoMars mission.

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