Cheraw Chronicle

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Construction of lawns and placement of playground equipment in Castelbel ... (lint)

Construction of lawns and placement of playground equipment in Castelbel … (lint)

Kasteelplein will have a more open space.

Kasteelplein will have a more open space. © Philip Spoilers


Works at Kasteelplein in Lint were shut down a few weeks ago, due to wet weather. Due to the rainy period, it is not possible to work on the soil at the moment and the construction of the new open space will be postponed to next year.

Philip Spoilers

Last spring, the demolition of vacant old houses began on Kasteelplein. In a few years, social housing company De Ideale Woning wants to start building new homes and apartments.

Trails in the park and walking

By rearranging the new construction projects, more open spaces will be created. As no more buildings will be built, De Ideale Woning and the municipality want to create a green area with a strip of flowers and trees, among other things. Due to the rainy weather in the past few weeks and the increased chance of night frosts, sowing of grass, construction of walking paths and installation of games will shift to spring 2022. Planting trees and shrubs may still be possible now as the planting season begins.

Before the Christmas holidays, the contractor will remove the debris, such as the remains of the basement in House #48.

The oldest houses have already fallen to the ground.

The oldest houses have already fallen to the ground. © Philip Spoilers