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“Coronavirus could kill another 236,000 people in Europe by December 1” |  Abroad

“Coronavirus could kill another 236,000 people in Europe by December 1” | Abroad

The coronavirus could kill another 236,000 people in Europe by December 1. Hans Kluge, director of the World Health Organization in Europe, made this bitter prediction at a press conference. Our compatriot is also concerned about the stagnation of vaccination campaigns in European countries. High infection rates in some countries are “particularly worrying,” especially when combined with low vaccination rates.


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Of the 53 WHO member countries in Europe, 33 have seen a rise in infections of more than 10 percent in the past two weeks. “This is very concerning, especially given the low vaccination coverage among at-risk groups in a number of countries.”

According to the director, fewer and fewer new people are being pricked. “In the past six weeks, the number of vaccinations has decreased by 14 percent. In some countries there are not enough vaccines, and in others certain vaccines are not accepted.” According to Kluge, countries should increase production and share doses.

The third shot

“The third shot that many countries are now planning should aim to keep the most vulnerable people safe,” Kluge continued. “So don’t consider it a fancy booster taken away from someone who’s still waiting for their first shot.”

At the same time, Kluge called for caution. “There are more and more studies showing that such a third shot keeps people at risk safe, but there is no conclusive evidence yet.” Kluge also advised countries with surplus vaccines to share this surplus with other countries, especially in Eastern Europe and Africa.

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4.5 million deaths worldwide

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1.3 million deaths have already been counted in countries that are part of the World Health Organization in Europe. In addition to European countries, the WHO European region also includes countries in Central Asia.

Worldwide, there are already more than 4.5 million deaths. The United States was the hardest-hit, with 637,539 deaths out of 3,8798,963 infections. It is followed by Brazil (579,308 deaths from 20,741,815 cases) and India (438,210 deaths out of 32,737,939 cases).

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Hans Kluge, Director of the World Health Organization for Europe. © AFP