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Cybersecurity agencies Europe and US announce official cooperation – Computer – News

European and US cybersecurity agencies ENISA and CISA announce the partnership. The working agreement has been called a milestone for cooperation between the EU and the US on cyber security.

The EU’s cybersecurity agency ENISA and the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said in a statement. Joint Statement Cyber ​​security risks know no borders so organizations must act together. The partnership agreement will cover both short- and long-term projects, but the agencies did not provide additional details.

However, ENISA and CISA explain that this initiative should be used in three ways. For example, companies want to collaborate in the field of cyber security awareness, advise on the implementation of cyber security laws and exchange information about cyber security. Again no examples are mentioned here.

ENISA and CISA have been working for some time on a concrete agreement to promote cooperation. Government bodies also have a similar function, but so far there is no jointly formulated strategy. Because the United States and the European Union sometimes follow different policies, for example regarding privacy and data processing policies, the agencies want to develop a joint plan.

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