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DNA Sint-Lodewijk Consultation Process Begins in Deerlijk “Green and Smart Use of Space”

DNA Sint-Lodewijk Consultation Process Begins in Deerlijk “Green and Smart Use of Space”

The development and beautification of municipal centers is one of the most important points of work in the multi-year plan 2020-2025. The redevelopment of the old fire brigade site is now taking place in the center, and the starting shot is now also presented for the core of Sint-Lodewijk. To prepare a master plan, the municipality depends entirely on residents’ participation.

“Anyone who lives, works and resides in Derlijk deserves a pleasant environment,” says Alderman Bert Schlefhout (Open Vld). “We strive for a municipality with beautiful centers that invite meetings and experiences, a safe and attractive municipality for cyclists and pedestrians, bright with varied greenery and where we use the available space in a smart and thoughtful way. Read in a multi-year plan. We will achieve it.”

“For Sint-Lodewijk, we are fully engaged in developing a robust and ambitious master plan to reassess the village and its identity. In order to have a clear and complete view of what you might live and what you might experience in Sint-Lodewijk, we measure the needs, desires and interests of the villagers. In the form of a survey ( Digital), every Deerlijk resident can share his or her vision with us.

Walking path

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We present a number of statements and questions based on four themes. The four themes are population and village culture, climate and landscape, mobility and facilities, identity and image quality. Also available a walking route mapped on the map starting this week. During this tour along some of the inspiring places, you will pass through four information panels where one of the four themes is highlighted. The results are aggregated and form a valuable basis for the further development of the master plan. The walking path is available for young and old. Each board explains one specific topic. Based on the QR code on the sign, you can give your opinion on each topic. All you have to do is scan the code with your phone and you will be referred directly to the online survey. For those who prefer to work in the “old school”, a hard copy of the questionnaire is available. After the walk, the completed questionnaire can be left on the participation bus, which is provided with each dashboard. Nearly 100 residents completed the survey. This proves that many people are concerned about what the Sint-Lodewijk future will look like. Design Week We put survey results during Design Week. Several consulting moments are on the agenda from Monday 17th to Friday 21st May. It is an excellent opportunity for residents to reflect on the future of ‘Sellewie’. During the various workshops, along with the experts, we will look at the four topics and provide further guidance for the master plan. “ Sharing moments are expected on Monday 17 and Friday May 21, each time at 7 pm at ‘t Heem by Chiro Sellewie in Pladijsstraat. We conclude the design week with a final presentation. Anyone who is permitted to have historical photographs of St. Louis in their possession or possession will do us a favor by submitting the pictures. The best images are processed in workshops during Design Week. ”(DRD) info:

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