Agrio is looking for the strongest arena
An entrepreneur who wants to create a strong farm literally and figuratively needs space to do business, says Pauline Hogenkamp, agricultural trainer at Hogenkamp Agricultural Training. “Space is in the head, in the agenda, and in dealing with the environment and circumstances,” Hogenkamp says. This year, Paulin will be a jury member in the elections for the strongest regional association for the second time.
Space is a word that often comes up in the coaching conversations Hoogenkamp has with her clients. It can be experienced both positively and negatively. “Many clients mention in their first conversation that they no longer have the space in their heads. The space they need to be able to do business,” says Hoogenkamp.
Space makes you creative
“Entrepreneurs who have space in their heads are better able to think creatively about the future and can deal better with outside influences,” Hogenkamp says. “But head space alone is not enough. The entrepreneur must also have enough time, and space in the agenda, to be able to better deal with setbacks. This time is necessary to address setbacks and problems and find solutions. And of course also to address the issues concretely.” .
Space connects
“Entrepreneurs who allow themselves the space to enter into conversations with their environment create space for themselves to more easily engage with the world around them,” Hoogenkamp continues. “Entrepreneurs who dare to start a conversation often have good communication skills and generally have fewer problems with family, neighbors and neighbours. These entrepreneurs create a space to do business through open and honest communication.
Space gives freedom
Finally, Hoogenkamp mentioned the space in the wallet. Entrepreneurs who have a lower financial reserve and/or mortgage often have more freedom to conduct business. “But entrepreneurs who dare to turn land into money, for example, can also create this freedom for themselves,” explains Hoogenkamp.
Space is in the strongest arena
Hogenkamp would like to read in the recordings of the Stronger Erf election how and what scope entrepreneurs experience when running their businesses. And what they do to create or maintain this space. “And of course there is absolutely no right or wrong,” Hogenkamp emphasizes. “But it says a lot about yardage. And I’m very curious about that.”
All farmers and their families can participate in Het Sterkste Erf, regardless of the size of the company, the sector in which they are active or the location of the yard. The most important thing is that making and maintaining their company future-proof is their first priority.
You can register until May 17 After the registration period ends, the jury will select three companies that have a chance to win the title of “Strongest Erf 2024.” During the jury visit, these companies will have the opportunity to explain the choices they made and why. Finally, the jury will announce the winner of the Het Sterkste Erf Prize on 12 July 2024.
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