February 2024 represents a period of intensification in the world of cyber warfare, with a series of cyber attacks putting...
After a long winter, our two-wheelers may need some maintenance to ensure we can continue cycling safely and comfortably. What...
An Air Canada Boeing 777 was struck by a massive lightning strike on Sunday shortly after takeoff from Vancouver, Canada....
Hackers have now attacked our country's largest coffee roasting company. This was confirmed by the police and the Antwerp Public...
Equatorial Congo Air (ECAir) from Congo-Brazzaville, Africa, ceased flight operations in 2016 after it could no longer pay its bills....
Were you surprised by the decision?“Not at all. When inflation rose in 2022 due to higher gas and oil prices,...
The management of Brussels Airlines has put forward a proposal to increase the average purchasing power by 6 percent for...
The European Union has been trying for years to break the power of dominant technology companies. But even billions in...
“Decatlon doesn't pay you to sit on the toilet.” Diego* didn't know what he heard when he knocked on the...
OpenAI has uncovered several emails between the company's board of directors and Elon Musk in which Musk indicates his approval...