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Elijah Wood: “The Lord of the Rings” is based on the work by Harvey Weinstein | Showbiz

The movieAnyone who has seen The Lord of the Rings may remember the chase orcs that created the army of the villain Suron. Leading actor Elijah Wood (40) is now revealing who those orcs are based on on the Portcast ‘Armchair Expert’.

Anyone who invites Elijah Wood to a podcast talks about his most popular project: The Lord of the Rings movie series. The presenter, Docs Shepherd Wood, agreed that he would like to have the pictures created. Film studio Miramax, owned by founder Harvey Weinstein, acquired the rights to JRR Tolkien’s books. But it soon became clear that he did not agree with the view of studio director Peter Jackson. So he asked Weinstein to make films in a different studio.

“And Miramax said, ‘We want to give you back the rights, but two things have to happen. One: you have to sort it out this weekend. Two: Whoever does it, has to take all the pictures at once,’ ‘Sheppard said. That’s right, Wood replied. Most people do not want to make more than one film, their idea is, ‘No, how do you make the first film you want to see, then you invest the rest of the money. “Eventually Bob gave up. Shaw of New Line Cinema takes three films at once.” Incredible risk, “Wood said.” Miramax thought they didn’t get a chance. ”

One of the Works of the Lord of the Rings
One of the Works of the Lord of the Rings © R.V.

“It’s funny. Tom Monaghan and Bill Boyd (starring Hobbites Merry and Pipin in the film series) recently talked about ‘The Friendship Onion’ on their podcast,” Wood continued. “They talked to Sean Austin (who played Samwise) about New Zealand’s first memory (this series was filmed, version). He saw Orx’s masks. I think it’s not fair to talk about that now, “Wood added.

Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein © AFP

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