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EU generates more power from wind and sun than fossil fuels for first time – IT Pro – News

EU member states generated more electricity from wind and solar than from fossil fuels for the first time in the first half of 2024. Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Belgium in particular are contributing to reducing fossil fuel use.

ember energy transferIn the first half of 2024, nearly 30% of total electricity generated in the EU came from wind and solar energy. Ember Energy Research Center Reports. In the same period, the share of power generation using fossil fuels, including natural gas and especially coal, fell to 27 percent. After Germany, the Netherlands generated the most additional electricity using wind: 4.6 TWh more than in the first half of 2023, an increase of 35 percent. The remaining electricity was generated mainly in nuclear power plants and hydroelectric plants.

The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, among others, as well as the European Union as a whole, reached a milestone at the beginning of this year when sustainable energy generation surpassed fossil fuel power generation. Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Lithuania and France, among others, have already reached this milestone. Thanks to the focus on the energy transition, researchers say that CO2 emissions from the energy sector were almost a third lower than in the same period two years ago.

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