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Fire safety is key at Alzheimer’s Café Enkhuizen.  “Can you force someone to turn off the gas stove?”

Fire safety is key at Alzheimer’s Café Enkhuizen. “Can you force someone to turn off the gas stove?”

Dementia - Image courtesy of the Alzheimer's Disease Department of Netherlands West Friesland

source: Alzheimer’s Netherlands West Friesland Department

Firefighter Frans Anthonis will talk about fire danger in people with dementia at the Alzheimer’s Café Enckhausen on Tuesday. “You can imagine all sorts of things. People who don’t handle gas properly or use separate space heaters, who burn candles or even smoke in bed,” says Gus Lankriger, who will serve as a discussion leader on Tuesday. In addition to the risks, it will Prevention is also a topic of discussion.

Many Alzheimer’s patients cannot do without the support of informal caregivers, who therefore bear a great responsibility, agrees Lancraier. “Children can get very anxious about mom forgetting to have a frying pan on. So the risk of fire is very real. Based on that responsibility, it will also be about self-determination. ‘Can you force someone to turn off the gas stove?’

Most Alzheimer’s patients who live at home receive some form of guidance. “These supervisors are alert to the risks involved, which means there is shared responsibility,” Lankraiger says. The Alzheimer’s Café Enkhuizen starts on Tuesday at 7:30pm and takes place in the Herfstzon residential complex.