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'For sale: Three strong players on their way to a winter exit near Antwerp' |  Football24

'For sale: Three strong players on their way to a winter exit near Antwerp' | Football24

Thursday 11 January 2024 – 07:00 I am the editorial board

In Antwerp, they fear the departure of the two strongmen, Arthur Vermeeren and Mandela Keita, this winter.

Vermeeren is high on the wish list of Manchester United, Barcelona, ​​Brighton and others. Keita's sleeves are then pulled once again by Bayer Leverkusen, the Bundesliga leaders. It is uncertain whether the midfielders will leave this winter, but the Antwerp board have allowed another player.

Champion creator Jean Botez appeared to be leaving last summer, according to Antwerp newspaper Even put on the transfer list. This means they are putting him up for sale, which makes perfect sense considering they already have a nice successor in the team in Ceni Lamins. We'll have to wait and see if Botez actually leaves this winter.

“Botez won't win the top prize as a goalkeeper, but it's a win-win for both parties,” explains the Flemish newspaper. “The president has great confidence in his successor Signe Lammens (21 years old).” “They believe Lammens can become a top goalkeeper and he will leave in Finish by double digits!

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Kampioenenmaker Jean Butez leek afgelopen zomer al te vertrekken en wordt volgens Gazet van Antwerpen zelfs op de transferlijst gezet. Dat betekent dat ze hem te koop aanbieden, wat ook best logisch is aangezien ze met Senne Lammens al een mooie opvolger binnen de ploeg hebben rondlopen. Afwachten of Butez deze winter ook echt vertrekt.

“Butez zal als doelman niet de jackpot opleveren, maar daar zit je met een win-win. Marc Overmars en co. geloven enorm in zijn opvolger Senne Lammens (21)”, verklaart de Vlaamse krant. “Ze denken dat Lammens een topkeeper kan worden die op termijn voor dubbele cijfers vertrekt!”
