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Franco Patiato (from the Eurovision classic “I treni di Tozeur” has died

Franco Patiato (from the Eurovision classic “I treni di Tozeur” has died

Today it is known that Franco Patiato, the man who wore large glasses on his nose, died in his hometown of Milo, Catania, on the island of Sicily, where he originally came. He turned 76 years old, and was sick for some time.

We know him mainly from that song “I treni di Tozeur”, but in Italy itself Patiato is known as a singer, lyricist, composer, filmmaker and painter. For many years one of the most famous musical artists in Italy, nicknamed “The Maestro”, was the master. In his music he touched upon exotic, philosophical and religious themes, and also immersed himself in various genres such as experimental pop, electronic music, progressive rock and new wave.

Batiatu collaborated with local and international artists. “I treni di Tozeur” was not his first collaboration with singer Alice. In 1981 he wrote “For Elisa’s sake” About Alice, who won her at the famous San Remo Music Festival in 1981. Batiato also worked with her for years after her participation in Eurovision in 1984. In 2016 he sang with her. In 2017, Patiato gave his last performance, and at the end of 2019 he withdrew from the world of music forever.

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