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Complete News World

Frank Ostdam: AC / DC |  Flight News

Frank Ostdam: AC / DC | Flight News

But the ECDC is coming back now. An ECDC report was released last week announcing that prestigious ECDC tickets will now be based on vaccine coverage rather than infections. Slightly late but still. But more important to us is that travel restrictions do not have a significant impact on reducing the spread of the virus, including hospitalizations and deaths.

A real game changer for me. I don’t want to say ‘I told you so’, but a simple look at Australia and New Zealand, where a month’s worth of military vaccinations have completely covered themselves for two months shows the presence of the virus could not be caught after the fight. Again very late intelligence, because this policy has caused billions of damage to the travel and aviation sector worldwide.

I still hope that we will not change it, but will agree internationally that we will not do this again in future epidemics. I hope a new Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports in the new Cabinet will also read this report, otherwise we will make sure it ends up in the right office. And we hope this will lead to the next government becoming less biased about the role of travel in spreading the virus. Because we are clearly affected in our lobby. We had some advocates for the necessity and relevance of travel and movement in the cabinet. It has to be different. A good work for the coming months.

Frank Ostdam
Chairman ANVR
