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From Pommelien Thijs to De Kreuners: The new channel “Joe Lage Landen” offers only Dutch music |  Music

From Pommelien Thijs to De Kreuners: The new channel “Joe Lage Landen” offers only Dutch music | Music

MusicMore than 90 years after Flanders discovered “national radio”, Jo Lage Landen is the first station to bring only Dutch-language hits. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. “We just cut out the news and the weather,” Channel Manager Robin Visenekens said of the latest Scion Radio, which will launch next week. “There was a great demand for this from our listeners.”

From “Emperor of Flemish Song” Will Tura to the latest Flemish sensation Metejor. From Raymond van Het Groeneaud to Pommelin Theses to Marco Borsato, André Hazes and Andre Hazes Jr. And from Nelson to Bart Peters. That’s what listeners will hear at Joe Lage Landen starting Monday, June 14. The kick-off for the new digital radio station is presented during the morning show of Sven Ornells and Unk Backpacks on Go.


“I am delighted that we can finally start a radio station that will bring only Dutch music, for example,” says Robin Vissenaekens (45), “We know from research among our listeners that there is a huge demand for this. They really appreciate that we are embracing artists.” Flemish and Dutch speakers at Joe. Claim to go ahead, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 7 Having a Dutch language music channel has been around for a long time. Now it’s time.”

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pomlin this © Photo News

Joe Lage Landen agrees with plans to focus on digitizing channels. “We’ve had digital channels like Joe Easy, Joe 80, Joe 60 and 70’s for a few years now,” says Vissenaekens. “As an FM station, Joe is the big driver to launch all these digital channels and from there we’ve been referring to our DAB+ for a long time. But now is the time to take a big step forward.” But there is no intention of competing with Joe or Qmusic, the channel manager asserts. “We see that we’re reaching a separate audience with these digital projects. That’s up to 100,000 listeners who would rather listen to a certain type of music than what’s available to them right now. And that’s a pretty big audience, for that.”

thousand songs

The guidelines for Joe Lage Landin are clear, according to Vicinakens. “Lots of music and small talk. We just cut out the news and the weather,” he promises. “We also consciously go for big hits, starting with a playlist of about a thousand songs. Of course there are tens of thousands of Dutch songs, but we want to focus on getting to know them. Whether it’s Hans de Puig, Nils Destadsbadr or Bazart: you should be able to sing along with each song, so to speak, although we will also work to augment young talent.”

Well-known DJs sometimes start

The first two weeks of Joe Lage Landen will be very special, because every day between 10am and 6pm a Dutch or Flemish speaking artist takes over the digital radio station. Gasgey, Odo, Marco Borsato, Bart Peters, Raymond van Hyt Groeneaud, Willie Somers, and Clouseau are already there. They play their favorite recordings in Dutch and share stories with the listeners.

Joe Lage Landen can be listened to from June 14 via the app, the Joe app, and via DAB+.

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