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Galen (1) dressed as the British Queen and receives a letter from the Queen as a reward |  Property

Galen (1) dressed as the British Queen and receives a letter from the Queen as a reward | Property

PropertyGalen Sutherland (1) caught the attention of the British royal family. On Halloween, the American girl dressed up as Queen Elizabeth, complete with a handbag, hat, and a pair of corgis.

On a whim, Catelyn Sutherland, the girl’s mother, sent a photo of the outfit to Windsor Castle. To her surprise, the Ohio woman received a response from Mary Ann Morrison, Lady Queen-in-waiting. Not only is the girl’s outfit perfect from head to toe, she is also pictured with two corgis. Elizabeth has been a fan of this dog her whole life. Over the years she has had more than thirty.

Sutherland told British newspaper “The Sun”. “We wanted to do something where dogs could be part of the costume party. We are also big fans of the royal family.”

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big hit

The costume was a hit during trick-or-treating, which is the tradition of kids walking past nearby houses during Halloween to pick up candy. “We’ve received a lot of compliments,” Galen’s mother continues. “The funniest reaction was when people bowed to her or called her ‘Her Majesty.'”

In a message from the royal family, the Queen thanked the family for the message and photo. “Your Majesty has kindly written to her and the Queen was delighted to see a picture of your beautifully dressed daughter, Galen,” the statement read.

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The Queen had also added some facts about royal corgis to the letter. “Galen might want to have that.”

Britain's Queen Elizabeth watches a corgi during a visit to the Battersea Home for Dogs and Cats in London, March 17, 2015.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth watches a corgi during a visit to the Battersea Home for Dogs and Cats in London, March 17, 2015. © Environmental Protection Agency

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