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Gas station disappears from Heuvelplein, new station comes in Business park Bemmer IV |  peel

Gas station disappears from Heuvelplein, new station comes in Business park Bemmer IV | peel


Owner Gerbert Vissers of Vissers Energy Group of Horst does not want to explain the plans. He just wants to tell us more about it when everything is expected to be in place by the end of the year.

Only when the gas station in the middle of Pick-on-Dunk is cleaned will there be room for another gas station. “One is closely related to the other,” says Alderman Tony Mullenstein (CDA, Spatial Planning).

In any case, the municipality of Larbeck wants to cooperate to make this move possible. At the corner of Heuvelplein / Pater Vogelstraat there is now a plan to build six life-cycle resistant houses, this is allowed, subject to the conditions. The intention is for four to be built on the site of the Vissers gas station – formerly owned by Joe Van Huet, a household name in the village – and two on the company house next door. The building will be divided for this purpose.

Owner Gerbert Vissers of Vissers Energy Group of Horst does not want to explain the plans. He just wants to tell us more about it when everything is expected to be in place by the end of the year.

More space, better access

At that time, the exact location left depending on any developments around the N279, when there will be more clarity about the county road entrances and exits. Now there seems to be more clarity about the intended location; You should reach the Bosschweg roundabout / N279 in the direction of Boerdonk.

The 4th Bemer Business Park is almost full