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How Omicron affects your gut Symptoms to watch out for

How Omicron affects your gut Symptoms to watch out for

Suffers from Vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain without a fever? It could be due to an oomicron infection, and experts say you should get tested for Covid if you have these abdominal symptoms, even without respiratory symptoms or fever.

Omicron It can affect your gut apart from the upper respiratory tract and abdominal symptoms have become common in people with the new strain. Even people who have been vaccinated experience these new symptoms.

Some of the new symptoms of Covid-19 include nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea.

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People can initially have abdominal complaints without respiratory problems. Symptoms may include back pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. This may be due to omicron damage to the intestinal mucosa and the resulting inflammation.” says Dr. Manoj Goel, Director of Pulmonary Diseases, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.

The expert says that although people who have received the double vaccination also have abdominal complaints, these symptoms are not negative and are not a major problem.

“Don’t dismiss abdominal pain, nausea and loss of appetite as the common flu, isolate yourself if you have symptoms. Avoid self-medication including so-called safe Ayurvedic treatment without consulting your doctor. Try to stay well hydrated, eat regularly, eat small, healthy and light meals, Including nuts, and avoid spicy foods and alcohol.If symptoms are mild, Joel says, it may not be a problem.

He added, “You should get tested for Covid if you have abdominal symptoms, even without respiratory symptoms or fever, because this could be due to an omicron infection.”

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Tips for managing gut symptoms like nausea and vomiting when taking Omicron, according to the expert

* People should eat freshly cooked food and keep their hands clean.

* Avoid sharing meals with others.

* All raw fruits should be washed well before eating.

* Avoid eating out, and even if you have been vaccinated, be sure to follow all COVID-19 safety protocols.

Omicron, the latest worrying variant, is spreading fast as scientists around the world are conducting studies to better understand it, and it will likely become a dominant species soon. Not only does the variant spread more efficiently than the delta variant, which often causes mild disease, but it can also reinfect people who have previously had Covid or have even been vaccinated twice.

According to experts, the symptoms of Omicron mimic the characteristics of the common flu and affect the upper respiratory tract. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some of the most common symptoms associated with Omicron include coughing, fatigue, congestion, and a runny nose. The scientists also note that loss of smell and taste is less common in people who have recently tested positive for this strain.