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Interns discover that a black hole swallowed a star decades ago

Interns discover that a black hole swallowed a star decades ago

The students, Ginevra Zaccagnini and Jackson Codd, worked with Ravi from 2018 to 2019, and by comparing radio observations years apart, they found that one object, J1533+2727, was fairly bright in the mid-1990s, but dwindled significantly because of 2017. .

Like investigators discovering new leads in an old case, they rummaged through the archives of the NRAO’s 300-foot Green Bank Telescope and found that the object was much brighter in 1986 and 1987 (the Green Bank telescope collapsed). Since its peak in the mid-1980s, J1533 + 2727’s brightness has been reduced by a factor of 500.

Taken together, including new observations using the VLA, they lead researchers to believe that the new TDE occurred when a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy 500 million light-years away smashed a star and then ejected a jet. light’s speed.

This is called the relativistic plane, and to date there are three other TDE planes associated with such planes. However, they have been found in galaxies more than 10 times away.

“This is the first detection of a relativistic TDE filter in the relatively nearby universe, showing that these radio TDEs may be more common than we previously thought,” Ravi said.

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