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Is the carnivore diet worth all the hype?

Is the carnivore diet worth all the hype?

carnivore diet

What’s called healthy food Your ears are all over Instagram and TikTok, but are they actually healthy or is it better to let them slide? Nutritionist and Dietitian Shepherd’s Floor (@nutritionexpert) answers. This time we take a closer look at the carnivore diet. Read on and learn!

What is the demand?

The carnivore diet is a diet that consists mainly of animal products and contains almost no vegetables, fruits, and grains. Strength athletes say: if you want to have muscles, you need meat because it is rich in protein and is good for building muscles. In addition, this diet will be a healthy way to lose weight because it fills you up quickly.

What does it really do?

Fleur Scheffers: “By eating mainly animal products – and almost no vegetables, fruits or cereals – you mainly consume proteins and fats and miss out on other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. This diet therefore contradicts various scientific advice. In fact, it is not only unhealthy, but also dangerous. For example, in our country it is recommended to eat a maximum of 500 grams of meat per week and a maximum of 300 grams of red meat (pork and beef). This is because it contains heme iron, which increases the risk of colon cancer. In addition, the carnivore diet is very one-sided with a high risk of deficiency of fibre and vitamin C, for example. Finally, it is not surprising that you lose weight on this diet, because you ignore product groups such as chips, cakes and pastries. It makes sense that you consume fewer calories.

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Healthy alternative

“Replace a greater proportion of animal proteins with plant proteins, such as legumes and nuts. This is not only better for your health, but also ensures less animal suffering, a better environment and is important for our food security. If everyone switched to a carnivorous diet, it would not only be extremely unhealthy, but it would also not be possible to feed the entire world.