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It's a game with Lamkel again: Zé hints at Law '78 to enforce transfer |  Jupiler Pro League

It’s a game with Lamkel again: Zé hints at Law ’78 to enforce transfer | Jupiler Pro League

It’s a game with Lamkel again: the title of a piece designed by Echt Antwaarps Teater would have been closed now. At the beginning of this week, it happened again. After Lamkel Zee previously indicated that he no longer wanted to train with Antwerp A-team because he was looking for a transfer, he tried to reinforce that message in his own way.

On Monday Lamkel sent Zé via Instagram Flirty talks with Anderlecht supporters To the world, to make it clear once again that he is open to offers from other clubs. Not long after, attacking midfielder Bosuil turned things upside down. When Lamkel Zee made it clear he was no longer welcome in the first-team dressing room – he trains these days with promises – the Cameroonian couldn’t laugh at it. In retaliation, Lamkell put his name on the dressing-room wall. Childish reaction, which obviously did not get along with Antwerp.

Then, Lamkel Zé, again via Instagram, fanned the fire a bit more by alluding to the infamous law of 1978. This law allows professional athletes to terminate their current contract ahead of schedule. In this case, compensation equal to the salary that the player will normally continue to receive between the moment of termination and the expected end of the agreement must be paid. FYI: Lamkel Zé remains stable in principle until the summer of 2023. FIFA can also impose a temporary ban when using Law ’78. So the chance of an actual break in the future seems rather slim. But Lamkel Zee can, of course, use the 1978 law as leverage.