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Jean-Marc Mwema will not return in the final weeks of…

Jean-Marc Mwema will not return in the final weeks of…

Jean Marc Goode. © play4

Basketball player Jean-Marc Moema was supposed to return next week in the last week of next week The smartest person in the world, but due to scheduling issues, he cannot attend.

In the final standings for the normal weeks of play in The smartest person in the world Jean-Marc Mwema (32) was seventh with four entries, two of which were wins. Good for getting a place in recent weeks, but still missing. “Because of scheduling issues,” Eric Van Lowe said Thursday at the end of the broadcast. As a player for the Antwerp Giants, he does not make registrations due to match commitments.

This immediately means that a place will be made available in the first week of the finals and that will go to the 10th-ranked YouTube phenomenon, Acid. Other returnees in the final next eight episodes are hockey player Alexander Hendricks, Geert Mayvrot, virologist Stephen van Guchte, Dutch smartest person Arjen Lubach, director Anthony Nti, journalist Lisbeth Embo, radio presenter Gloria Monseries and singer Merol.

Read also. Belgian lion Jean-Marc Moema on the smartest man, the tally of fame and my visitor’s house: ‘I’m still shocked by the strong reactions’


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