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Julius runs 120km for his disabled brother

Julius runs 120km for his disabled brother


Nijmegen – Marleen van Sambeek and her grandson Julius van Dreumel (14) will be at the start of the Nijmegen 4 Days for the first time this year. Grandfather Michiel Vliegels also managed to buy a ticket and is therefore also taking part. And for the first time too!

Julius runs for his doubly disabled brother Jesse and raises money so that more (fun) activities can be done for his brother and the other residents of Bartimus’ house in Zeist.

Bartiméus is an organisation committed to helping people who are visually impaired or blind in the Netherlands. They provide support to people with visual impairment, including those with multiple disabilities or problems due to acquired brain injuries.

Julius and Marilyn take it seriously and prepare well for their first four days. “We have a schedule of where and when we will walk and how many miles. We build up after the four-day week,” says Marilyn.

Julius looks forward to it. “I will definitely continue!” Grandma and Grandpa can confirm. “Julius has a good attitude. If he starts something, he finishes it.”

Why choose 4 Days Together and not another event for example? “I live in Malden and I think 4 Days is a great event. My grandson lives in Bussum and he really wants to do 4 Days with me. We are now running 30km together.

“What are we looking forward to most? The fun along the way, it must be something very nice! But of course it is still a big challenge, walking 30 kilometers a day for four days. But we are doing it for a good cause. Raising money for Jesse and his fellow residents.

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Would you like to support their work? You can do so by donating money to NL70 ABNA 01322 00600 from M. Vleugels attn.