Kate Middleton, her sister Pippa and brother James grew up in picturesque Bucklebury. A quiet village where Carole and Michael Middleton still live today. But the village and especially the Middleton family are under attack by dozens of posters spread throughout the village, from the local supermarket to the local cricket ground.
Middleton’s company, Party Pieces, went bankrupt earlier this year. As a result, a large number of creditors have not been paid and are still waiting for their money today. Someone decided to take matters into their own hands and is now hanging posters near crowded places in the village. At the top it reads “Fairness to Creditors”. “Bucklebury residents, Party Pieces owes its creditors £2.5 million (about €2.8 million).” Yes, that’s tax money. “The future king’s in-laws are shamefully ignoring their creditors.”
Read more below the message.
Many citizens are angry and support the Middleton family. They removed the posters as quickly as possible and are now also trying to find the perpetrator of the crime. Kate’s brother, James Middleton, was furious and joined them.
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