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New Pokémon, new Shiny, and more announced at the Festival of Lights!

New Pokémon, new Shiny, and more announced at the Festival of Lights!

Details for the Festival of Lights have just been announced and they’re not bad. There are a number of new things coming to the game and you can read all about them below:

  • The Festival of Lights takes place from November 7 at 10 a.m. until November 12 at 8 p.m.
  • Tdbulb and its development appear for the first time
  • You get double Stardust and Candy for spawning Pokemon
  • Incense (except daily incense) lasts twice as long
  • There is a special timed research during the event where you get a t-shirt and Pokémon encounters
  • The following Pokémon are most common in the wild:
    • Pikachu*
    • Vulpix*
    • Bonita*
    • Magnemite*
    • Voltorb*
    • Chencho*
    • Suspicious*
    • slugma*
    • electrical*
    • Litwick*
    • Morlol*
    • Drumming
  • Morelull can be shiny for the first time
  • There are special eggs (7 km):
    • eliquid*
    • Magpie*
    • Didin*
    • Morlol*
  • There are special incense encounters:
    • Alolan Geodude*
    • Hesoyan Voltorp
    • slugma*
    • Volbeat*
    • enlighten*
    • blitz*
    • Litwick*
    • Litlio*
    • Didin*
    • Morlol*
    • Drumming
  • There are special field research missions and Pokéstop exhibits
  • Special avatar items are available in the store

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