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No more shadows!  New dating app Breeze is revolutionizing modern dating

No more shadows! New dating app Breeze is revolutionizing modern dating

Dating without the swiping and endless chatting. Popular dating app 'Breeze' has now also launched in Belgium.

1 in 5 young people meet their loved ones through a dating app. A lot, but that means the other 4 out of 5 are still scrolling infinitely. The numbers are 366 million dating app users worldwide. That's why the new Breeze is launching a new dating solution: although the starting point is also an app, swiping and chatting are skipped and you can go straight to the actual date. The app, which is already very popular in the Netherlands, with more than 10,000 appointments organized, has finally launched in Antwerp, Leuven and Ghent. It will soon be Brussels' turn.

Offline is the new online

As a single person, you've undoubtedly come across – and it's a huge inconvenience -: you sign up for a dating app, waste hours swiping and chatting, and then fail to score an actual date. For example, app users can scan an average of 140 profiles while scrolling, and there are usually no results. Well, Breeze changes that. Unlike other apps, Breeze doesn't have a chat function, but it encourages its users to schedule an actual appointment right away. After reporting availability, Breeze will make a reservation at one of our partner bars for you and your match. also Does not appear They were banned from the platform.

No more shadows

This app officially says goodbye to “ghosting.” “About one in four dating app users have experienced ghosting, and up to 29% have canceled a match themselves without giving a reason,” says Femke Konings, who researches dating apps at KU Leuven. “Choose over loss is still the mantra on dating apps. This is not at all surprising when there are so many alternative partners just a touch away. There is always an inner voice wondering if there is someone better out there.”

Choosing is losing is still the mantra on dating apps

However, ghosting is not without risks, as research shows that this form of romantic rejection can lead to low self-confidence, especially if the ghosting is extremely unexpected, negative, and drastic. “Moreover, teens are very focused on their own identity, which is why they are quick to blame themselves.” When asked if an app like Breeze could offer a solution, Femke answered with a resounding “yes.”

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This app wants you to get off the streets

Moreover, there is another important difference between Breeze and other dating apps, such as Tinder and Bumble. Most platforms make money from you spending longer or more intensively on the app. Unfortunately, helping you find someone you love instantly doesn't make you any money. Encouraging you to scroll more, see more ads, and maybe even buy a more expensive subscription, yes. This is different at Breeze: the smart algorithm provides the user with a limited number of interesting profiles that they will like every day. Once the match is made, you have to pay nine euros to confirm the date and also reserve the first drink at the participating bar.

Keep an eye on things

Another advantage is that the application puts the safety of the “data” in the first place. Users are carefully screened beforehand and dates are organized at bars where staff are tasked with keeping an eye on things. Breeze also offers a phone support system that daters can call if necessary. Finally, they are now also looking for enough LGBTQIA+ and female-friendly bars to partner with.