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Older adults who are cared for at home live on average a year longer than they do in a nursing home

Older adults who are cared for at home live on average a year longer than they do in a nursing home

Older adults who receive intensive care at home live about a year longer than older adults in nursing homes. According to Trouw, this is evidenced by a study conducted by VU University Amsterdam.

2,100 elderly people who received care from the care organization Fundis in the Gouda region, or from MeanderGroep in the Heerlen region, together formed the research group. A total of 1,550 elderly people chose nursing home care, and the remainder chose home nursing home care. Both organizations provide both forms of care, and in collaboration with the Center for Care Evaluation commissioned the study.

Longer life at home

The researchers followed the elderly for four years. Those who chose hospice care at home lived an average of three years after starting care, and those who chose a nursing home for another two years, based on the elderly who died during the study period, according to the researchers.

Administrative pressure and inadequate care

from A radar survey of 4,000 people People who work, live or have a relative who lives in a nursing home, it also turns out that there are additional deaths due to not having enough time for care. Primarily administrative pressures, staff shortages and dissatisfaction with visitation options came to the fore in this study.

Source: ANP MediaWatch

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