After We Fell is the third installment of the popular "poster" franchise based on the third novel of the same...
Taiwanese chip designer MediaTek has announced two new smartphone SOCs, including the Helio G96 chip for mid-range smartphones. This chip...
"I feel like I've gone my own wild and left the small town of Hollywood," Nicholas Cage told Variety, similar...
NASA said Friday that it has successfully transferred the Hubble Space Telescope to its backup instruments. The telescope's scientific instruments...
There is no doubt that the expropriation of 29-year-old Cambage, a staggering 2m03 center, is bloodshed for Australia. The official...
Ubisoft releases co-op shooter Rainbow Six: Extraction and extreme sports-mmmo Republic Riders is out. The publisher reported this in two...
Several hotels and residences on Samos have been evacuated as a precaution due to a major fire on the Greek...
The mayor of Jackson, Tennessee, USA, wants to destroy a place for bitcoin. One of the schemes is that people...
As Gambon points out, the bulk will have to be covered by private insurance companies, particularly through fire insurance. It's...
A vacation in paradise Curacao should be carefree. But this has overtaken some Instagram users. Sexologist Lotte Vanwezemael had to...